Známy tréner z televíznych obrazoviek prišiel minulý víkend na Slovensko. Na sociálnej sieti sa teraz vyjadril, čo si o nás myslí. 

[sociallocker]O tom, že tréner známy zo šou Extrémne premeny prišiel na Slovensko sme vás už informovali. V posilňovni nákupného centra ho dokonca náhodne stretol známy Slovák, ktorý si s ním aj zacvičil. Viac informácií o ich stretnutí si môžete prečítať TU. V utorok ráno sa Powell objavil aj v markizáckom Teleráne.

Teraz Chris zverejnil slová, ktoré určite potešia každého Slováka. “Ahoj Bratislava,” začal Powell po slovensky. “Za posledné dni som sa zamiloval do strednej Európy – do jej kultúry, ľudí a kuchyne. Ďakujem pekne za lásku a pohostinnosť. Čoskoro sa vidíme znovu! #Slovakia. “ napísal na sociálnej sieti, kde má viac ako 400-tisíc sledovateľov.

While I do spend most of my home life shirtless, I don’t post many bathroom ‘selfies’. However, I have gotta post a shameless pic today…since you can see from the pic that even I was a little surprised at the results! ? I competed in my third physique competition today – Masters Nationals – and while I didn’t place against the other beasts that were out there, it was definitely my best personal Transformation yet. It has been a blast seeing and feeling my body change over the past 3 months, from a little ‘beefy’ to getting totally shredded. And of course, even coaches need coaches – and fortunately I’ve been blessed with some of the best in the business to guide me through this physique transformation. A huge thank you to @thepros_ifbb_npc, who guided me step-by-step through this awesome journey…and THE posing coach himself, @kennywallach. And of course my ultimate life coach and greatest support, @realheidipowell. The journey of transformation is never over, so I’m already back to the grind working on my next goals: a more muscular Physique??, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu ??, and Powerlifting. ? (And of course a little more #Crossfit splashed in there ?) So whatever journey of transformation you are on, know that you are not alone. We’re all in this together!! ?? #transformation #nutrition #physique #bodybuilding #carbcycling #NPC #Pittsburgh #masters #weightloss

Fotka uverejnená používateľom Chris Powell (@realchrispowell),

Zdroj/Foto: Instagram