V piatok večer 6. apríla okolo 17.00 hod miestneho času sa stala obrovská tragédia. Zo zatiaľ nezistených príčin sa autobus s 28 osobami zrazil s kamiónom. Bohužiaľ, polovica pasažierov nehodu neprižila, vrátane šoféra.
V autobuse sa viezol juniorský hokejový tím Humboldt Broncos z kanadskej provincie Saskatchewan, chlapci mali medzi 16 a 21 rokov. V čase nešťastia bolo v autobuse 28 osôb, z toho 14 nehodu neprižili, ďalší traja sú v kritickom stave.
Ľudia sa modlia za obete tragédie, ale i za zranených a čakajú na dobré správy. Nikto si nevie vysvetliť, čo sa stalo a prečo k takémtu hroznému nešťastiu muselo prísť.
GoFund Me Has Just Been Set Up for The Players & Families Affected By Tonight's Tragedy Involving the Humboldt Broncos Hockey Team.
Many Injuries & Fatalities.
Please Donate:https://t.co/KH8pkYBxQv
Sending Prayer For All The Players & Their Families.#Humboldtbroncos 🙏 pic.twitter.com/2Z5Rh99rBq— ∼Marietta (@ThisIsMarietta) April 7, 2018
The bus carrying the Humboldt Broncos has been involved in a serious crash with an 18-wheeler enroute to their game against the Nipawin Hawks.
RCMP has confirmed that there have been casualties, but are unable to give details at this time. #PrayersForHumboldt pic.twitter.com/d3NsUlDPeN
— Complete Hockey News (@CompleteHkyNews) April 7, 2018
Zdroj: BBC | Foto: Twitter